Heating Repair - Home Service Available 24 Hours
You and your family depend on your HVAC system to keep your house warm and comfortable during the winter. It can not only be frustrating but also dangerous if your heater stops working unexpectedly. At Roman Cavalry Air Conditioning & Heating we understand how uncomfortable such a situation can be and we’re here to help. We’ve been offering heating repair services in katy for more than 10 years.
Our team of professional technicians can work on all types of heating systems. Each of them has received training and is NATE certified. Whether your system is making odd sounds, constantly running or not pushing out enough heat, they have the skills to identify and repair the problem. We always keep our vehicles stocked with common replacement parts and repair tools so that our technicians can fix your heating system quickly. Our goal is to get your heat back on as soon as possible.
Heating Repair: What to Do When Your Heat Cuts Out
While the best thing to do is call an HVAC professional, there are some simple things that you can do as a homeowner that will help you identify whether or not the issue is a simple fix or if needs a professional service. Before you do contact a Hvac professional, give these DIY steps a shot first.
Inspect the Thermostat
A thermostat in a home’s heating and cooling system senses and controls temperature. Think of it as the “brain” of your HVAC system — it instructs the unit to either provide heated or cooled air. Then, once the temperature has reached the desired level, it tells the unit to stop heating or cooling.
With such a critical role, it’s easy to see why you can trace most signs of HVAC problems back to a faulty thermostat. That’s why you should inspect the thermostat first as your “no heat” issue may only be due to bad or dead batteries. It’s also possible that someone accidentally switched the control to “Auto” or “Cool”.
Switch the batteries first and make sure to set the thermostat to “Heat”. Wait for a few minutes to see if your heater will now warm up your home.
Check Your Circuit Breaker
The thermostat may also have shut down after your home’s main circuit breaker tripped. A power outage may have triggered the breaker to automatically shut off. This is normal, as breakers should trip to prevent potential electricity overloading.
In case an overload did occur, you only have to switch the breaker for your HVAC unit back to “ON”. This should restore power to the thermostat.
Make Sure Your Heater’s Filter is Clean
Your heater may not be warming your home enough because of restricted airflow. A likely culprit is a dirty filter. The heated air won’t exit the vents or ducts if there’s a lot of dirt and debris trapped in the filter.
As you may of guessed, this is as simple as replacing your filter in order to restore proper airflow and allow the heating system to operate, you may even want to have it on a schedule as it will also help keep your system clean, and avoid future problems.
Our Heating Service Experts Won’t Leave You in the Cold. Call Today at (713) 909-5456
If these these troubleshooting steps don’t work, then its time to contact us today. On standby 24-hours a day, every day of the year, our emergency HVAC team is ready to solve even the most complex issue when you need service most.